European Forum Alpbach

Artistic Opening Intervention

At the European Forum Alpbach 2019 we presented an artistic opening intervention at the Technology Symposium as part of the exhibition satellite of Uncanny Values currently on view at MAK Vienna.

All video and audio was recorded in the exhibition UNCANNY VALUES – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & YOU at the MAK – Museum of Applied Arts Vienna. Words are selected from the whole text corpus of the exhibition by a commercial-grade natural language understanding system as the 100 ‘most important’ concepts. The words are typeset by a custom AI system that continually learns from thousands of font specimens how printed characters look.

Organized by Austrian Institute of Technology and radio station Ö1. Have a look at the identity we created for the exhibition at the MAK Vienna here.

Concept, Design, Software
Process – Studio for Art and Design

Editing, Sound Design
Beniamin Urbanek,

Commissioned by
MAK Vienna, Curator Marlies Wirth and
AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology

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