We created the visual identity for PONY EARTH — a company founded to finance and drive the regeneration of biodiversity on agricultural farmland worldwide.
PONY EARTH is here to boost farmland biodiversity around the world. By harnessing new tech, data, and a range of experts and scientists, the company is setting a biodiversity benchmark for farmland and helping farmers to achieve it. The company is here to make our global food production and supplies more resilient and healthier for the planet, and for us. And they are selling generative art inspired by biodiversity data to do it.
A data-driven approach
The core of the identity is its exact, data-driven approach mixed with a bit of organic quirkiness. Inspired by bar charts and an abstract version of a pony, the combination of the graphical form with the chosen typeface — Hungarumlaut’s Mohol — perfectly resemble clear, bar-like shapes fitting to the story.
Accompanying the visual identity we designed website templates that can be used and adapted by the companies team.

If you want to read about the artwork we designed for PONY EARTH click here.